Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bears! [You're putting the whole station at risk!]

I have a bone to pick with the Bush administration ... yet again.

This is an article from the Natural Resources Defense Council describing the necessity of listing the Polar Bear as an endangered species.

This article was written in 2005 and since then the Bush administration has agreed to at least list Polar Bears as "Threatened." What's the difference? Threatened species do not garner the same protections as Endangered ones. Now, in 2008, this issue is being revisited. There are arguments from both sides.

Leave it to the Canadians to know what's really going on.

So, as the above article proclaims, the Polar Bear has become "champion" for all ice dwelling animals. Who can blame conservationists for picking the big, white man eaters? They're large, in your face and draw huge crowds at zoos all over the world. New examination of this legislation will ask that Polar Bears become listed as endangered not because people should leave them be, but because endangered species require habitat protections. We would have to stop making the greenhouse gases that are melting the bear's habitat. Genius, if you ask me.

However, there are always nay-sayers ... Ugh. Here, the Heritage Foundation explains why listing the Polar Bear as an endangered species is just plain bad voodoo for our economy.

Their only argument? Energy. In order to avoid Polar Bear habitat, we would have to circumvent oil drilling in Alaska. That would result in the continued escalation of oil prices in the United States.

This is where I rant.

Good. Keep gas expensive.

If I've learned anything about the American population in my 24 years, it's that people only move for change when it's in their favor. We have a "What's in it for me?" mentality. Want people to lower emissions from large factories? Create a cap-and-trade system that is functional and profitable for SOMEONE, anyone. Want people to invest in clean fuel technologies? Make their current fuel too expensive. Tada! Problem on it's way to being solved. High gas prices are just what this country needs to convince the greater population that it's time to stop relying on Middle Eastern oil. It's about the only thing that makes voters move ... money money money. I've said it once and I'll say it again: We need to start leading the charge in environmentally responsible technology. We should have done that a long time ago. If it takes a Polar Bear to get the job done- so be it.

So what, Heritage Foundation? I'm not immune to the high cost of fuel. I guarantee I make less money than any other writer on that web site and I bet they don't have to pay for their travel expenses. I do. I travel all over New Hampshire for my job and don't see a cent back for it. Is that fair? No. Do I have to deal with it? Yes. So those ready to point the finger and say I don't understand how much fuel actually costs- point that finger somewhere else. I'm coming from a place of experience. I have empty pockets, but I care more about a healthy planet for my children than spending a few extra dollars at the pump. Call me liberal.

Anyway ... back to task.

Here's some information on Polar Bears, provided by the World Wildlife Federation.

Sure, the whole thing reads like a back-door global warming policy, but c'mon ... What else can we do? Action needs to be taken on all fronts. I support listing Polar Bears as endangered, even if it means I can't drive to Canada on a tank of gas anymore. Such is life ... and quality of life is much better when you don't have to wear a hazmat suit to play outside.


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