Thursday, July 16, 2009

No Impact? Wow.

And how.

Click this link above and watch the movie trailer for "No Impact Man." The fella' has a blog, too- check it out. He makes me feel as if I fail even harder than I already do. Ouch.

What I think is funny about this documentary, really this gentleman's life in general, is that his wife is the antithesis of what he's trying to accomplish. But still, she goes along. Because she loves him? Because she really doesn't have a choice? Does she even believe in his plight? I admire her fortitude in going along for the ride- I feel as if both their personalities have been fighting inside my head for years.

How do you break wasteful habits? How do you make yourself better when all your life you've been taught to not worry about such things? It's a hard line to draw in the sand when half of your brain wants to follow and the other half is just not all that into it. I'd like to think that my "save the world" side is winning, but not nearly fast enough.

With that, I'm working my way toward earning my Green MBA from Antioch University. Hooray! Organization and Environmental Sustainability. Put that on a resume. I'd like to see people turn down my skills then! Ha! It's a two year program, one weekend a month. I'll be spending a lot of time in the Keene area as a result, something I'm very pleased about. I'll have to reinvest in a road-bike ...

Step after step after step. I say this every time, but I need to be more proactive about blogging as well. This is my soap-box. This is the place I can go to write entries like this ... To condemn my short-falls and pat myself on the back when I finally make a good go of things.

I'm trying to save the world. If I intend on really following through, I better light a fire under my own ass.

Have a great weekend everyone. I'm on my way to Maine for a long weekend. Thank goodness for the great outdoors!


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