Monday, March 3, 2008

I only drink draught.

On Friday night, Mark and I and some friends went to the Legion down the street. The pitchers there are a mere $4.50 and the 5 to 6 of us shared several in a few hours. While we were sitting at the bar I noticed the bartender continually throwing away glass bottles and a thought occurred to me: How many bottles were we saving by choosing pitchers instead of bottled beer?


I'm going to fudge some numbers right now, so bear with me ...

There were five of us, and we drank an average of five beers a piece. That's 25 beers- 25 fewer bottles thrown away. Now, if there were a guestimated 50 people in the room, who each drank an average of 5 beers as well- and they chose tap over bottles- that's 250 fewer bottles thrown away.

There are an average of 7 to 8 bars in town. Let's stick with 8, for formula purposes. If each bar holds an average of 50 people (I don't know why I'm sticking with this number, it just works math wise), than there is an average of 400 people drinking each night. If they all chose to drink 5 beers off tap instead of bottled, that would save 2,000 glass bottles. Woah. Now imagine if my numbers were more accurate. I can guarantee the numbers would be much bigger.

But, you see my point, don't you? Doesn't it make sense to use a glass that gets washed instead of ending up directly into a landfill- sitting idly while waiting the hundreds of years it takes to break down. Asking restaurants to recycle is probably a tough sell- though Mark and I have been formulating ways to present the idea in a way that is cost beneficial to restaurant and bar owners. If people make the choice to drink draught in the mean time, think of the difference it could make.

I'm asking you folks to consider doing this the next time you're out having beers with your friends. Coors light bottles might be on special, but those bottles will be polluting the planet after you're done being out for the night. A pint glass can always be washed and reused.

Thanks for reading, more tomorrow.
Drink safe- stay satisfied.

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