Tuesday, March 18, 2008

To every thing, turn, turn, turn.

This is the molecular structure of water. If you passed 8th grade, you know water is made up of two hydrogens and one oxygen. Hydrogen and carbon make up most of the stuff on Earth, it's in endless supply.

I am hydrogen

Fantastic. Big thanks goes to Dan Brian for allerting me to this interesting development. Hydrogen cars, people- the way of the future. I'll be honest, I had no idea President Bush had invested in hydrogen fuel technology. My favorite part of this article reads as such:

"The federal government has spent $1.2 billion on hydrogen in the five years since President Bush announced an initiative to develop a national hydrogen infrastructure. We'll need a whole lot more than that if we're to meet the president's goal of replacing fossil fuels by 2040.

Hydrogen advocates like the National Hydrogen Association say we could put 70 percent of all Americans within 2 miles of a hydrogen fueling station for $10 to $15 billion. They like to point out that's half the cost of the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (in today's dollars) and about what we're spending each month in Iraq."

Well whattayaknow?! Fantastic- now all we need is to come up with the dollars and enough interest for the economy to proceed in that direction. Hydrogen is everywhere, isn't it?

What I really like about most environmental blogs is that reader comments are welcomed and are more often than not posted by rather intelligent people. Scrolling down to the comments on this article, you'll notice a common theme: It takes electricity to make the hydrogen these cars would need. Also: Spending money on hydrogen is a bad idea.

Let me propose this then: Are all ideas that take us away from oil dependency worth the investment? Even if the technology doesn't get off the ground, all of that planning develops into something that ultimately works.

For example ...

CFL Light Bulbs had to come from somewhere. Edison wasn't the only person working on an incandescent light bulb.

It takes a lot of money, man-power, creativity and passion to make one good idea work. In order to get to the correct answer, all routes need to be taken on the way to solving the problem you're trying to fix. Some inventions are realized by accident on the way to something entirely different.

Any route we take away from our dependence on oil is the correct one for now. If we could only stop spending money in the Middle East, we would have plenty of money to invest and an economy stable enough to support those investments whole-heartedly.

What do you think? Please share your thoughts with me.

That's all I have time for, for now. More later. Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

Chickbyrd said...

They have some hydrogen fueling stations in CA already. Thats exciting!! Imagine what would happen if we had spent 1/2 the money we've spent in Iraq on the environment!!

This country really disgusts me sometimes! Our society is so "disposable" and has to have the quicker better all the time - our value systems are all screwed up, you don't see houses in Europe with 3 computers, 5 tv's and more then one car! American's refuse to live simply. Yet constantly complain about the country not doing anything about the oil problem/gas prices...
TRY RIDING YOUR BIKE TO WORK, that would save you some gas money!!
But alas, I preach to the choir.